Fit Minded Therapy

Finding other fitness enthusiasts can be a challenge.

I often find myself wondering if my doctor really understands me if they don’t lift. Do they really know what is going on with my body after a bench press session? How could they possibly understand how my knees and shoulders are feeling after hitting the new clean and jerk PR…

Wait, did you really just try to lecture me on nutrition? Do you even count your macros?!?

From P90X to Body Building.

I have been chasing different forms of fitness activities for the last 15 years of my life. I remember starting out with P90X, before deciding to go all in with body building and downloading MyFitnessPal for the first time.

After living with professional body builders, I know about carb cycling, cheat days, and every type of “depletion” there is under the sun.

I even spent a year doing WOD’s at a CrossFit box before deciding to recommit to a more athlete style strength training program.

fitminded therapy

Looking at the ‘whole’ you.

It can be hard to engage in meaningful conversation with a therapist that does not know about the challenges that accompany hitting your macros and the mental exhaustion that comes with weight loss or having to wake up at 5 am to get your workout in before going to work.

Often, therapists will not even explore your fitness regimen and activities alongside your anxiety and depression.

I believe that fitness is an important part of anyone’s therapeutic journey. Whether you are a weekend warrior who enjoys engaging in bikram yoga or an avid weight lifter following a meticulous nutritional regimen, you are different than the average person.

fitminded therapy

You do not settle for the average.

You are committed to goals, progress, and achievement. You want to be stronger, faster, bigger, and more flexible.

Your therapeutic work should be treated the same way. It should draw from these strengths as well as help you in obtaining your fitness goal in ways you never knew possible.

Maybe you need some help kick-starting your nutritional plan or maybe you are struggling with getting your mind in the right place to help you hit your new PR.

I will cater to your therapeutic journey and also help you with achieving your fitness goals.

Now is the best time to start!

Let me help you work through your current situation of stresses and build in those related to your being a fitness enthusiast.

Simply call (408) 410-7076 or text me at (408) 410-7076. I can help get you going in the right direction!
