Private Practice Consulting

Not feeling fulfilled from your work?

Working full-time for yourself often seems like a far-off fantasy that is only obtainable for a select few. Many therapists struggle with establishing financial independence and view mental health as a noble line of work with little financial reward. Working long hours and completing piles of paperwork seems to be the typical day to day for therapists. Maybe you were one of the lucky ones who decided to pursue private practice, and now you are facing anxiety, stress, and fear because of being unable to maintain a full caseload.

These are all common beliefs and experiences for many therapists. We were never taught how to start and maintain a business in graduate school. Our expertise is in therapy. Running a successful practice is another skill all in itself that needs to be learned. Much like therapy, it requires understanding key concepts and putting specific techniques that yield certain outcomes. Even thinking about how to be successful can be daunting for many therapists.

Stop thinking, “I can’t make a living in private practice.”


It is time to take control of your professional life. You can live a life of financial freedom and not being burnt out. Working with your ideal clients is possible and feeling energized from your therapeutic work with clients is an achievable goal. Contact me if you find yourself wanting more from your profession. You can ask any questions you have or set up a free initial consultation to understand how I can help you.

consulting for practice owners

I have been where you are. Working 2-3 jobs to make ends meet, continually worrying about student loans, and thinking having a thriving private practice was a dream. I am here to tell you it can be yours. Whatever vision you have for your practice. In under a year, I was able to leave my full-time job and work fully for myself in private practice. I went from having 3 clients to having 32 weekly clients.

Through my growth as a clinician and business owner, I have learned the steps and tools needed to create a rewarding private practice that allows me financial freedom and the ability to live the life I want daily. Stop making excuses about why it isn’t working for you. Where there is a will, there is a way. There are numerous tactical strategies I can help you implement, to get you the practice you desire.

The next step towards financial freedom and a career filled with meaning are simple.

If you are ready to take control of your professional life and be financially independent while thoroughly loving the work you do, call (408) 410-7076 or text me at (408) 410-7076. I offer a free phone consultation and quick first appointments.
