Career Counseling

Career, career, career…

What is the point to life if you aren’t excelling in your career?

Silicon Valley is continuing to get more expensive to live in while job positions are becoming more competitive than ever.

No one taught you in school how to climb the corporate ladder or how to hunt down the raise that you deserve. I know I was not ready for the office politics and professional development meetings with my managers once I completed my graduate degree.

Competition is keen…

With the job market becoming more competitive and flooded with fresh graduates, what are you doing to set yourself apart from your colleagues?

Maybe you question your line of work and have found yourself stuck in a series of dead-end jobs. Are you at the point of giving up on the never-breaking cycle?

Let me help you uncover what is causing you to be unhappy at work.

Career and ‘life’ are not separate.

career counseling

Career counseling can benefit an individual in many ways. It can help you figure out who you are and what you want out of your education, career, and your life.

It is common for individuals to view their life and career as separate entities.

This view can cause disastrous outcomes, such as having little to no job satisfaction, being unsure about your purpose or meaning in life and work, not knowing how to implement work/life balance, or having a high level of stress related to their job.

With career counseling, I can help you identify factors influencing your career development.

I use your already existing strengths to help you develop a plan to crush your career goals and get you out of the rut you are currently in.

career counseling

Imagine working your way up the corporate ladder and hitting your salary goals on a regular basis. These are not goals that only the “lucky few” achieve.

Let me help you form lasting habits that support your personal and professional growth. I will teach you how to begin implementing skills and tools that top-level entrepreneurs use to create lasting results.

You work long hours and invest a lot of yourself into your career. You deserve to have financial freedom and job satisfaction.

Now is the best time to start!

Let me help you work through your career path to live the life you’ve dreamed.

Simply call (408) 410-7076 or text me at (408) 410-7076. I can help get you going in the right direction!
