Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety runs rampant within Silicon Valley.

Some may even feel out of place if they are not stressed or anxious about something! The rat race within our careers can often eat into our personal lives and leave us feeling “meh” or not fulfilled.

Ever wonder how some people seem to just live in the “present”?

Worrying about the future may be in your ‘bag’ – along with difficulty sleeping and overwhelming thoughts.

Burnout? Panic Attack?

Individuals usually do not think twice about anxiety/stress until they experience an attack or burnout. This is usually the event that leads individuals to seek therapy.

Anxiety can manifest in numerous ways physically and can show up as racing thoughts, tightness in chest, or the inability to be fully “in the moment” and enjoy what is happening.

Anxiety is a common theme throughout Silicon Valley, often because of the constant push many individuals have to further their career or “make it” within the Bay Area.


What to do to handle anxiety? Push pills?

There are numerous approaches to managing anxiety and stress. Some individuals decide to go on medication, others decide to seek out therapy, while many do a combination of both.

There are numerous ways to tackle anxiety. Starting therapy and identifying a plan of attack is often the best place to put your initial efforts. Stop letting anxiety get in the way of enjoying your life!

Let’s make you the master of your anxious experience.

The Existential Integrative approach I work from views anxiety as the main cause for numerous symptoms within mental health. I start by creating a deep understanding for both my clients and me of what their anxiety looks like, feels like, and how it impacts their day-to-day life.
Usually when a client reaches out for therapy, it is because they are in a state of “crisis.” I first ensure that a client possesses the skills to manage their anxious symptoms and gain some control over how they are experiencing their anxiety.

anxiety treatment

After spending some time here, I begin to help clients take a deep dive into really exploring and overcoming their anxiety. It is an effective step when you realize that anxiety is just an emotion you experience rather than anxiety BEING YOU.

I help open windows to look at your situation differently while exploring possible alternatives. I ensure that you leave therapy with a toolbox overflowing with skills and techniques to implement to help you address anxiety as it arises – as well as prevent it. Becoming a master of your own life allows you to have the key to integrate anxiety into your personal life in an effective manner.

Now is the time!

Ready to truly unlock your full potential and become a master of your anxiety?

If you want to truly break free from your anxiety and experience anxiety treatment that is both transformative and lasting, call (408) 410-7076, text me at (408) 410-7076, or send a message. I offer a free phone consultation and quick first appointments.
